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Did you know that the Monarch Butterfly is the state insect of Illinois?  Unfortunately, Monarch Butterfly numbers have decreased by a whopping 90%!  What can you do to help? Stop by the Carmi Township Office located at 304 Church Street in Carmi; and pick up a FREE packet of butterfly milkweed seed to plant in a flowerbed or garden.  Limited supply available.

Fun Facts:

·       One monarch caterpillar will eat 20-25 leaves.

·       Milkweed is the only plant a monarch will lay its eggs on.

·       12 kinds of milkweed grow in the Midwest.

·       Monarchs are unable to fly when the temperature is below 50 degrees.

·       They have a cruising flight of 12 miles per hour.

·       A Monarch is named after King William of Orange

Educational YouTube videos are also available to answer every question you may have about monarchs. Just search for: Kay MacNeil Milkweed to Monarchs.