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Carmi Rotary learns about Rotary Foundation programs at Thursday meeting

At Thursday’s Rotary Club meeting, Janice Alka, assistant district governor from the Mt. Carmel club, gave the program. She told the club about the Rotary Foundation goals and what each club was asked to give. She noted that the Polio plus program has some mind boggling figures. In 1985, there were 3,500,000 cases of polio worldwide and that in 2016 there were 10 cases. Rotary has been one of the leaders in eradicating polio from the face of the earth. She also noted that the district is putting together district response teams to help with disasters here in Southern Illinois. A District 6510 Charity has been established in which money for disaster relief can be donated. She also noted that the Belize Crippled Children’s Program is celebrating its 40th year. Janice answered several questions from the Rotarians.

In club business, the fish fry held the previous week was deemed a success. The club thanks everyone who helped make it a success. Tom Logan named Dale Peters the phantom. Randy Douglass won the honor of selecting the pink ball in the 50/50 drawing and was successful and took home the prize. Little Giant and Andy Williams served up a delicious meal of Chinese food. The Carmi Rotary club meets at noon on Thursday at the First United Methodist Church. Anyone wishing to get involved is encouraged to come help Rotary with the many local projects and charities that are supported. You can follow us on Facebook.