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Carmi Rifle Club to Sponsor Annual NRA Day Youth Sportsfest Camp!

Saturday June 4, 2016 the Carmi Rifle Club will be hosting their annual  NRA Day Youth Sportsfest Camp for youths ages 9 – 18 years of age.  The Carmi club is proud to continue Southern Illinois’ rich heritage of firearm ownership, hunting, and sport shooting.  The camp, funded by a grant from the National Rifle Association Foundation, is a unique opportunity for local youth to learn about the importance of firearm safety and to participate in a wide variety of shooting sports.  The day long camp begins at 8:30 am with registration, includes firearm safety orientation, instruction in the fastest growing sports in the nation – trap shooting with shotguns and steel challenge with .22target pistols, bench shooting a wide variety of rifles and centerfire pistols including cowboy action revolvers.  The youths will have an opportunity to shoot paper targets, reactive targets such as spinners, dueling posts, and steel plates as well as clay targets.


The Carmi Rifle Club hosts the camp as a community service and provides lunch, hearing and eye protection, all the firearms and ammunition.  This will be the 11th annual youth event hosted by the club and members encourage both boys and girls to participant in this educational and fun camp. All activities are supervised by NRA certified instructors, range safety officers, and experienced club members.  NRA safety rules are strictly enforced.  The event will be held at the Carmi Rifle Club at the north edge of Carmi just off Hwy 1 on County Road 1250 E which is across the road from Trelleborg industries.

Attendance is limited to the first 25 youth to register. Youth who have attended this event in the past as well as new participants are welcome to attend.  The fee for the day is $30. To receive a registration form or for more information please contact Valinda Rowe at 618-963-2788, email [email protected].