The Carmi City Council met Tuesday night for the second time in January. Following approval of minutes and financials, the Council unanimously approved the hiring of the Brown and Roberts firm to head the EDA grant project to raise the roadway of Industrial Drive, pending the awarding of grants for the project. Mayor Jeff Pollard explained that Brown and Roberts was the only firm to bid on the project, and that they had worked with the City in the past.
The Council also unanimously approved renewal of their agreement with Mutual Medical Plans to serve as the City’s third party administrator of the employee health insurance plan. After reviewing options, the Council agreed to raise their deductable to maintain employee premiums at the same rate. The agreement will run through January 31, 2019.
Alderman Doug Hays as part of the Police Department Committee asked the Council for approval of the use of $25,000 budgeted to purchase a new patrol vehicle. Additional costs will come from police department discretionary funds for equipping the Dodge Ram from White County Ford. Hayes also reported that due to good fiscal management of the tow, drug, and DUI funds by Chief Jason Carter, that the Department is also able to purchase a new vehicle for the K9 unit without the use of any taxpayer funds. A Dodge Durango from White County Ford was chosen. White County Ford met the State bid price for both vehicles.
Bids to repair the #11 engine at the Light Plant were not received in time, so that issue was tabled until the next meeting.
Mayor Pollard expressed his appreciation for the City employees who braved the cold to clear streets and repair water leaks during the recent weather events, and reminded residents that tickets for the Winter Gala at the Elks coming February 10th are on sale.
Alderman Steve Winkleman reported that the front door at the Library is having issues. City Supervisor Mike Buckman said he would get a worker to look at it this week.
With no closed session, the meeting adjourned at 6:26 pm. The Carmi City Council will meet again on Tuesday, February 6th.