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Big D & Bubba
Big D & Bubba
4:00am - 9:00am

Carmi Police Chief Talks Law Enforcement Challenges, Recruitment, and More

Carmi Police Chief Jason Carter says it’s been a whirlwind of a year for law enforcement and himself specifically.  He recently celebrated 20 years of marriage to his wife Amber.  It goes without saying Carter has a demanding job.  His wife is a registered nurse and with CoViD-19, that has only added to the stress.  In addition, Carter just watched his daughter graduate 8th grade and his son graduate high school.  That’s enough to wipe a smile off most people’s faces, but Carter always seems to have a welcoming smile.  With the previously announced intended retirement of officer Donna Huber compounded with the recent revelation that Sergeant Brad Spence is leaving the force, you can add an entire other layer of stress to the mind of Carmi’s top law enforcement officer.  To top it all off, the state legislature has passed sweeping reforms which will widely affect how police do their jobs.

Carter has addressed what was to be Huber’s upcoming retirement by hiring Matt Long of Norris City.  Because of Spence’s departure though, Carter is going to have to find another officer now just to get back to a full staff.  Luckily, when looking to fill the other position, Carter says they had two quality applicants.

Given the difficulties of the job and circumstances in general, Carter admits life has been difficult recently.  Ultimately, he loves his job and says there’s something fulfilling that happens everyday.  Beyond that, he’s appreciative of the city of Carmi and it’s residents.

You can listen to our entire conversation below:


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