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Carmi City Council wraps up April with short meeting

The Carmi City Council met Tuesday for the second time in April.

After approving minutes and financials, Mayor Jeff Pollard announced that the first item on the agenda, Brian Allen of Slay’s Restoration to present information about pre-disaster planning, would take place at a later meeting due to illness.

The Council then unanimously approved the employee safety incentive program for another year ending March 31st, 2019.

Before the meeting a public hearing was held about re-zoning property at 134 Fair Street as a business property.  The house behind Huck’s will be razed and a parking lot will be built.  The motion passed unanimously.

Braden Willis III was re-appointed to the Police Commission for a three year term by unanimous vote.

Mayor Pollard reported that Police Chief Jason Carter attended the Carmi-White County School Board meeting Monday night, where the Board approved the joint plan to hire a school resource officer.  Pollard also reminded the public about the White County CEO Trade Show at Rice Motors April 23rd, the American Red Cross Blood Drive at the First Christian Church April 24th, and Opening Day at Bradshaw Park for the Summer Recreational League on April 28th at 11am.  Pollard also reminded residents not to blow grass clippings into the street.

With no other reports or closed session, the meeting adjourned at 5:37 pm.