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Busy Night for Carmi White County School Board


Busy Night For Carmi White County School Board

The board passed a resolution authorizing abatement of bond levy in the amount of $215,000. This is from one year of revenue of the three year total of $645,000 received by the district from the County Schools Facility Tax. This is to pay down the existing bonds.

They also approved the tax levy for 2018. It’s based on a projected equalized assessed value of just over $144 million. The final projected total tax rate of 3.94% is lower than the 2017 tax rate of 4.05%, making this the third year in a row the rate has decreased.

Director of Instruction Dr. Amy Dixon gave an overview of the 2018-19 School Improvement Plans that are developed each year. She noted that all schools received a “commendable” rating and that the attendance rate remains strong. Test scores also are slowing going up. The board approved the 2018-19 school improvement plans for each building as well as the district improvement plan.

Superintendent Brad Lee said they’re pleased with the progress made towards a number of objectives in the district’s strategic plan.

They approved transportation director Bart King’s recommendation for the lease/purchase of three 71-passenger school buses from Midwest Bus Sales for a five year period at a cost of just over $18,000 each.

In the superintendent’s report Lee said students at Washington Attendance Center started a “Sweats for Vets Drive” for veterans in the VA hospital in Marion and collected 393 items of clothing to deliver to them.

He also thanked those who competed in fall athletics, cross county runners Mackenzie Willis and Ty Barbre for advancing to the state cross county meet in Peoria, and the cast and crew of the high school play “Oklahoma”.

In other business, the board accepted the bid of Campbell Fire and Safety, Inc. for servicing the fire extinguisher equipment.

Designated a school bus and a suburban as surplus property to be sold by sealed bids.

Accepted a leave of absence for Megan King beginning approximately on December 12th and return to work at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year.

Accepted the resignation of Amy Whitley as high school boys’ assistant track coach effective immediately.

And approved a donation of $25 to the Brownsville School.

The board went into closed session at 7:35 pm to discus personnel.