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4-H Members Praised for Outstanding Work at Evening of Excellence

A year of work was rewarded Saturday, November 3 at the annual 4-H Evening of Excellence Achievement Awards Night held at the Emmanuel United Methodist Church in Carmi. Members and clubs received medals, prizes, and honors for their work completed September 2017 through August 2018. Every one of the 135 members of 4-H was called individually on stage to receive their awards.

The Mad Hatters 4-H Club received the Club of the Year Award, sponsored by the White County Farm Bureau. The group conducted several community service projects including collect canned goods for Sunrise Food Drive, donated their time and labor at the Guardian Center’s Candy Corn Run, provided a Veteran’s Day program to Wabash Christian Retirement Center, made monetary donations to families and organizations that are important and close to the 4-H club members, built and filled raised beds at Wabash Heritage Apartments, and so much more. Aaron & Holly Davis, Dawn Lamp, Valarie Berekashvili, Rachelle Hubele, Amy Dixon, Marcy Fechtig, Amy Harrison, Anna York, and Sandra Bryant are leaders of the club.

The Friend of 4-H Award honors businesses and individuals who have given their time, talents, and resources to improve the 4-H program. This year, the Friend of 4-H awards were given to Ron & Marlene Harrington and First Bank of Carmi.   The 4-H motto making the best better is exemplified through the dedication and support that they all give to White County 4-H.

Two other special women were also honored.  Jenny Mae Bingman Howard was named the White County 4-H Alumni winner for her dedication and continued support of the 4-H program.   Kimberly Sutton Fuqua was also named to the White County 4-H Alumni.  She was a member of the 76 Clovers of Norris City 4-H Club in her younger years and now is a leader of the same club.

Two first-year members were given full scholarships to 4-H camp as recipients of the Outstanding First Year Member Award. They are Katelyn Davis of the Mad Hatters 4-H Club and Annsley Healy of the Enfield Blue Ribbon 4-H Club.

Nine 4-H members are completing their 4-H careers this year.  Olivia Bohleber, Madison Childers, Alec Garner, Josie Harrison, Josephine Hubele, Sophie Jones, Riley Price, Madison Roberson, and Wyatt Weinbrecht received completion pins.

The White County Extension Support Committee once again honored the new Corn        King, Queen, and all of the attendants.  The Committee wanted to show them their appreciation of their willingness to participate in all the activities this past October.  They also would like to thank the Corn King and Queen for their willingness to take on extra responsibilities throughout this coming year, as in riding in all the parades Kiwanis asks of them.  We are proud that you represent the face of White County: 2018 Corn King Gia Berekashvili, 2018 Corn Queen Caitlin South, and their attendants; Lane Buchanan, Issie Bryant, Laney Cawthron, Payton Dixon, Nate Garner, Cody Nausley, and Samantha Stallings.

The Victory Award recognizes 4-H members who attend the most activities and complete the most projects during the year. Three age divisions winners (8 and 9-year-olds, 10 and 11-year-olds and 12-year-olds) in each club are selected, then an overall county winner for each division is selected. Club winners in the 8 and 9-year-old group were Marlee Fuqua of the ’76 Clovers, Katelyn Davis of the Mad Hatters, Jax Jordan of Crossville Prizewinners, Annsley Healy of the Enfield Blue Ribbon, Breyton Sauls of the Centerville Ripsnorters, and Grace McCarty of the Grayville Go-Getters.  Annsley Healy of the Enfield Blue Ribbons was the county winner of the 8 and 9-year-olds.  Winners in the 10 and 11-year-old group were Mallory Hobbs of the ’76 Clovers, Laney York of the Mad Hatters, and Joseph Gates of the Crossville Prizewinners.  Laney York was the county winner.  Winners in the age 12 group were Trey Dixon of Mad Hatters and Gabe Kiser of the Crossville Prizewinners.  Trey Dixon was the county winner of the age 12 group.

4-H members who excel in project work may compete in competition for county medals of honor. This year’s medal winners included Olivia Bohleber & Payton Dixon: Achievement in their 4-H Career, Trey Dixon & Kaden Carter:  Food & Nutrition, Lincoln Draper & Nate Garner: Animal Science, Caitlin South & Annsley Healy: Engineering & Technology, Nate Garner & Annsley Healy: Natural Resources, Laney York & Annsley Healy: Home & Family, Laney York & Annsley Healy: Personal Development, and Payton Dixon: Community & Global Awareness.

The Ken Korte Memorial Safety Award recognizes 4-H members who have outstanding work in the safety area.  Katelyn Davis took first place in the junior division, followed by Annsley Healy in second.  The winner in the senior division was Caitlin South, followed by Riley Price in second. The 4-H members received cash prizes sponsored by the Wabash Christian Therapy & Medical Clinic.

The Nolan Encouragement Award urges young people to keep trying hard no matter how big the obstacles are in their way.  That ‘never give up’ attitude is recognized in this year’s four winners; Cole Roberson, Brenna Russell, Abe Roser, and Gracie Schneider.

Winners of the Health Award were Trey Dixon in the 8-12 age group.  Earning second place was Katelyn Davis, and Annsley Healy receiving third.  The winner in the 13-18 age group was Payton Dixon.  Earning second place was Caitlin South, and Claire Cawthron receiving third. The health award checks were sponsored by Dr. Timothy Roser of the Carmi Family Dental Office.

The White County Association of Home and Community Education awards two $50 checks to 4-H members who excel in home and family 4-H projects. This year’s winners were Laney York and Caitlin South.

Aidan Jordan decided this past year that he wanted to take electricity as one of his many projects. For his work, Aidan earned the Illinois Electrification Council plaque.

The Illinois 4-H Foundation presents the Legacy of Leadership scholarship to 4-H members who have demonstrated and maintained a high standard of 4-H excellence and mastery during their time in 4-H. This year 17 4-H members from across Illinois received that honor.  Being named a Legacy of Leadership scholar is one of the highest honors a 4-H member can receive.  During the recent state awards celebration Lisa Diaz, U of I Extension assistant dean and director of Illinois 4-H said, “Our awardees embody the true spirit of     4-H, having made a difference not only in their communities, but also Illinois and the nation. We are proud of the dedication, service, and fortitude of the young men and women who have developed through our 4-H programs.”  We recognize Josephine Hubele as a 2018 Legacy of Leadership scholarship recipient. Josephine has participated in many 4-H projects, and held numerous leadership positions. Her favorite projects are public speaking, sheep, sewing, hobbies, and visual arts. Her animal science project allowed her to work with younger members on showing and raising livestock. A talented seam stress, we always looked forward to seeing her next creation.  Josephine’s plans include studying to be a family nurse practitioner and certified midwife. She hopes to make a difference in rural communities and underprivileged countries.

A White County volunteer was honored for her service as a 4-H volunteer. Jennifer Carter-James was one of 71 volunteers recognized by the Illinois 4-H Foundation as a 4-H Hall of Fame recipient during a ceremony Tuesday, August 14 at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield.  Jennifer, what a very special person for all she does for her family, community, and White County 4-H.  She grew up as a 4-H member in the 1990s.  She goes to work early and uses vacation time to attend a 4-H events and shows.  Jennifer is one that will be the first to arrive and last to leave.  She helps members with their cooking projects and has taught a club workshop on baking and decorating the past few years.  She has donated her time to make mashed potatoes for the pork chop dinner.  In addition, along with her husband and brother, she assists with each one of the shooting sports events.  She keeps things running smoothly.  She is the best treasurer a committee, like the support committee, could ask for!  This woman never asks to be honored; she is just there with her giving heart of gold.  White County 4-H is blessed to have Jennifer Carter-James as a 4-H mom!  The Illinois 4-H Foundation established the statewide Hall of Fame in 2004 to honor and celebrate extraordinary 4-H alumni, volunteers, and former 4-H staff. Each inductee received a commemorative Hall of Fame medallion.

The demands on 4-H members in high school are great, so when they remain in 4-H and continue to achieve success, they are awarded the I Dare You Award. The winners this year were Kennedy Cook, Cody Nausley, Kilee Roser, and Issie Bryant.

Healy Farms sponsored the Community Involvement Award which recognizes members who are great at service to others. The winners in the senior division were Josephine Hubele, first place, Caitlin South, second, and Issie Bryant, third. The winners in the junior division were Katelyn Davis, first place, Grace McCarty, second, and Annsley Healy third.

WRUL/WROY and Brownfield Ag was honored to award two young men belt buckles on behalf of the Brownfield Ag News.  Presented with these buckles were August Saunders and Wyatt Weinbrecht.

Jc Tinsley, on behalf of WRUL/WROY and Brownfield Ag presented the first annual Promotional Performance Award to two young men.  The first is a kind of Lifetime achievement recognizing a 4-Her who is nearing the end of their 4-H run, who has shown exemplary commitment to showing up for their role in radio commercials, and who have come a long way from the nervous young person who stepped in front of a microphone for the first time.  This year’s winner was Gia Berekashvili.  The second award goes to a Best of this year, which could be the young person who has shown up the most consistently, shown the most improvement or continued excellence, or is perhaps simply the best ambassador in getting the word out about the programs and activities that 4-H is involved in.  This year’s winner was Breyton Sauls.

The Carmi Elks, sponsored the top club officers in the county:  Caitlin South, top president; Ian Mosier, top secretary; Nate Garner, top treasurer; and Annsley Healy, top news reporter.

The scrapbook completed by the Crossville Prizewinners earned the top award.

Several clubs presented skits around the theme, “Inspire Kids to do”. The Mad Hatters 4-H Club was selected for the top skit, which was titled “America’s Got Inspiration”.