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White County 4-H holds electricity workshop

electricial workshop

Front row: l to r – Breyton Sauls – Centerville Ripsnorters, Daisy LaVarier, Siri Fullop, Natalie Cowling, and Grace McCarty – Grayville Go-Getters.

Back row: l to r – Caitlin South – Enfield Blue Ribbon, Gabriella Spencer – Grayville Go-Getters, Lane Buchanan and Nate Garner – Centerville Ripsnorters

Some of the White County 4-Hers enjoyed their first night of spring break at the University of Illinois Extension Office. Head Instructor Dale Peach and John McKinney helped with the 4-Hers that evening. The 4-Hers worked along fellow 4-Hers, leaders, and electricians in learning the proper way to wire switches, receptacles, strip wires and then finally wiring a mason jar light. The members can choose to take their lights or a lesson they learned from the workshop to the 4-H general show, in July, as an Electricity 3 project. 4-H is currently taking new members so if anyone is interested in joining a club call the Extension office at 618-382-2662 or attend the next club meeting of your choice! If you have special needs, just let the office know. If you are interested in 4-H workshops or would like to see what 4-H is doing throughout the year take a look at our Facebook page by searching “White County Illinois 4-H.”. Be sure to “Like” our page so you don’t miss anything happening in White County.