The Enfield Village Board held its regular monthly meeting Tuesday night with the Booth School again being the main topic of discussion. Scott Mareing was there and has this report…
Getting the Booth School in order has been the focus of the board and they went back-and-forth on the issue for about an hour total, approving some related items along the way. The two boilers at the school have leaks, as they haven’t been properly cared for in about three years. They’re waiting on getting a quote on parts, and since it’s expensive, the village is looking at obtaining some grant money to pay for it. The condensate pump has been ordered at a cost of $1,700. A condensate pump removes water that accumulates in a furnace during operation. All the locks on the buildings have been changed and that cost $500. The board approved four items, two of them not on the agenda. They were the aforementioned boiler repair, looking at getting a phone for the parks and recreational department, charging a $25 fee per hour for anyone wanting to use the gymnasium, and purchasing a washer and dryer from Rush Appliance for $2,600.
In other business, the board approved insurance for the entire village from Tokio Marine through Shepherd Insurance’s Carmi office. The presentation was made by Skip Oliver of Shepherd, who have been doing business in Carmi since January of 2018. It will cost about $2,000 less than Enfield paid last year. Coverage starts on December 20th.
The strainer for the altitude valve has just been ordered and should arrive in 4 to 6 weeks.
Springerton has not yet voted on renewing their police contract. The current deal with Springerton expires December 31st.
Street lighting for the block running from the village building to the post office is ready to install, but they have yet to hear back from Ameren on the matter.
Kyle Poore will tear down the buildings on the Miller Street and Sacramento Street properties for the village.
They are waiting from hear back from the state concerning the small business grant.
The board approved the office lease contract with state representative Dave Severin.
In the Police report for November, several meth arrests have been made, other crimes are down while domestic disputes are up. Chief Justin Titzer said they get a service fee with every warrant issued. The tires were replaced on the squad car at a cost of just $500.
In the Animal Control report, a hound has been adopted and Pets at Risk paid to have it spayed.
The board will look into a suggestion that some of the playground equipment at the Booth School be moved to the park to be used there.
The board adjourned at 8:44 PM.