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Carmi White County School Board Closed Session

The Carmi White County School Board met in an executive session following Monday night’s regular school board meeting.Following the closed door session the board approved the retirements of Jane Sykes as district school nurse, effective at the end of this school year and Norma...

A White Christmas; Probably Not

Christmas Day 2023 will likely be wet, but too warm for snow.That’s the word from the National Weather Service at Paducah, Ky, who forecast a rainy and warmer than normal day Monday, Christmas Day. At this time, there is a 60 percent chance of...

White Christmas; Probably Not

While it is way too early to predict a White Christmas for Carmi and White County, as conditions can change rapidly this time of the year, the Farmer’s Almanac indicates a local white Christmas is probably not going to happen.But, if you want to...

No Contests for White County Primary

The 2024 Primary election here in White County will have no races.That’s according to the petitions that were filed by Monday afternoon’s deadline to declare an intention to seek office in the March primary.Running unopposed will be Republicans Kenny Usery and Cassie Pigg. Usery...

White County Hazard Mitigation Committee Meeting Coming Up

The frequency of and damages caused by severe storms and other natural and man-made hazards in White County will be discussed when the White County Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee meets at the Floral Hall, White County Fairgrounds, Carmi, at 6 pm. on Monday, December...

It’s a White County Christmas Winners

It’s a White County Christmas WinnersThe Carmi Chamber of Commerce and It’s a White County Christmas officially opened the holiday season this past weekend with the annual Christmas parade Saturday night and a number of contests.Winning the best float award was the Carmi Compassion...

White County Board November Meeting Details

The newest ambulance of the White County Ambulance suffered what Director Adam Allen calls a catastrophic motor failure and is out of commission.  Allen says the vehicle missed it’s warranty by 6,000 miles.  The emergency vehicle is currently at Jim Hayes in Muddy.  No...

Busy Meeting for Carmi White County School Board

Direction of Instruction Amy Atteberry gave a presentation on the State Report Cards and State Test Scores for the district.  She said State Test Scores cover grades 3 and up.  The Illinois Assessment and Readiness covers reading and math for grades 3 through 8. ...

Carmi White County School Board Meeting Tonight

The next Carmi-White County School Board meeting will be held this evening,( Monday, November 20th) at 7 PM at the Jefferson Attendance Center Annex Building.Items on the agenda are school district improvement plans, school report cards, and state test scores; a resolution authorizing the...

Wayne White County Co-Op Scholarships

 – Virgil Jansen, of Montrose, IL, Lane Brummer of Dietrich, IL, and Caleb Stevens of West Salem, IL were this year’s recipients of the Wayne-White County Electric Co-Op Scholarship in honor of Gerry Kinney.The Wayne-White County Electrical Co-Op Scholarship was designed specifically for EDS...