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Grayville City Council to Hold Special Meeting Thursday Night

The Grayville City Council will have a Special Meeting Thursday at 6:00 PM to discuss an amendment to the zoning ordinance and a zoning permit request. Due to COVID-19 guidelines, attendance is limited to the members of the Council, Clerk, Treasurer, City Attorney and news...

White County Board to Hold Special Meeting Monday

The White County Board will have a Special Meeting Monday, December 14th at 9:00 AM to consider the approval of the Landscape Plan, Certificate of Insurance, updated Site Plan, and Decommissioning Plan submitted by Ranger Power for the Big River Solar Project. The next regular...

Carmi City Council to Hold Special Meeting Thursday

Carmi City Council will hold a Special Meeting Thursday, November 5th, at 5:30 PM, in Carmi City Council Chambers, 225 East Main Street. Per Governor Pritzker’s Order, a mask will be required as well as social distancing. Council will consider, discuss, and possibly approve Ordinance...