Career and Technical Education (CTE) prepares individuals for high-skilled, in-demand employment that furthers Illinois’ global competitiveness. Last year, roughly two-thirds (62.2%) of all Illinois community college graduates earned a CTE degree or certificate. CTE programs offer flexible scheduling, work-based learning, and stackable credentials that provide a pathway from education to employment not only for recent high school graduates, but also for returning adults, veterans, and incumbent workers. Success in CTE programming is amplified by academic support services, work-based learning opportunities, and business engagement. CTE’s reach in Illinois’ workforce continues to be expansive; currently, there are over 4,300 different CTE program offerings across the community college system.
Wabash Valley College joins with community colleges throughout the State to celebrate Career and Technical Education Month. Commenting on Career Technical Education, WVC’s Dean of Instruction Robert Conn said…. “Career Technical Education (CTE) provides students of all ages with the skills necessary to succeed and technical knowledge vital to a community’s economic health. Wabash Valley College’s CTE programs have evolved into fields of study that encompass applied sciences, modern technologies, and career preparation. With the nationwide shortages of skilled workers, graduates of CTE programs are finding themselves well positioned for entry into the labor market.
“Some of WVC’s popular CTE programs include: Advanced Manufacturing, Agricultural Technologies, Nursing, Diesel Technologies, Early Childhood Education, Gunsmithing, Marketing Business Management, Music and Media, Radio/TV and Digital Media, Social Services Specialist, Sport Management, Sports Marketing and Media, and Truck Driving. CTE prepares these students for their careers by introducing them to workplace competencies and academic content accessible in a hands-on
context. Our faculty and staff at WVC are dedicated to helping students explore their career goals and opportunities, and CTE programs continue to provide pathways to employment.”
“Anyone interested in getting into a career that pays well and is in high demand should look into CTE programs. CTE programs are working with business and industry leaders around the State to fill their needs for skilled employees,” said ICCB Executive Director Dr. Karen Hunter Anderson.
For more information about postsecondary career and technical education programs and services at Wabash Valley College, visit To learn more about statewide career and technical education initiatives throughout Illinois, visit