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White County Board holds September meeting

The White County Board met for its September meeting at 9am Tuesday.  After approving minutes and bills, the Board heard a report from County Engineer Brian Ray that promised Motor Fuel Tax payment from the State have not arrived, and that planned oil and chipping of county roads will be cancelled so that his department does not exceed the $300,000 left in the MFT account. Ray said that pothole repair would continue.

The 911 board will have a meeting on September 21 at 6pm.

The Board unanimously approved a new long term care insurance program for County employees endorsed by Illinois Municipal Retirement.  The program is being offered at no cost to the County.

The Board approved a resolution of support for the White County Soil and Water Conservation District and gave its annual contribution of $2500 to the District.  Charles Nolan told the Board that the money was especially appreciated this year as the state’s financial issues have cut funding to the District.  Nolan said that before the contribution, his office only had money to cover operations for another two months.

A resolution to increase Court security fees was tabled at the request of States Attorney Denton Aud as he would like to make changes in language before it is voted on.  Resolutions to increase fees for Court Document Storage and Court Automation were passed unanimously.  Those fees will increase from $5 to $25.

The White County Ambulance Service asked the Board to increase Life Support fees to be more in line with other services in the region.  The Board approved a $200 increase for Basic Life Support to $650 and a $300 increase for Advanced Life Support to $950.

The Board approved the sale of real estate from the White County Trustee by unanimous vote.  The City of Carmi will purchase two lots and Steven Beasley will purchase a lot and structure in Grayville.

The Board approved the appointment of Hamilton County resident Kyle Ingram to the Saline Valley Conservancy District Board.  Mike Ray told the Board that there is no White County resident on the Conservancy District Board, even though part of Indian Creek Township is part of the district.  The Board asked Ray to continue his discussion with the District about representation.

The Board approved the appointment of Wes Trout to the White County Community Foundation Board.

The meeting adjourned at 9:25.  The next meeting will be held on October 13th at 7pm.


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