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White County Board holds morning September meeting

The White County Board met Tuesday morning at 9am for their September meeting.  After roll was taken, Mike Ray asked those present to take a moment of silence in remembrance of the 9/11 attacks and to open the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Board President Wes Trout then asked to open all future meetings with the Pledge.

The Board approved the August meeting minutes and approved payment of all current bills.

In the County Clerk’s report, it was noted that the State Board of Elections will not be paying $8000 for the November election due to the budget crisis, and that general funds will have to be used to make up the shortfall.  The insurance audit inspection is underway, and bids are due by September 26.

Denton Aud reported his office and local law enforcement are working on implementing a new program in conjunction with the Egyptian Health Department called the Change Program to assist those with drug addictions to receive treatment in an effort to reduce recidivism.

Brian Ray told the Board the Centerville repaving project is complete, and that the County road department would begin oil and chipping of County Roads on Wednesday.  Ray noted that some townships have already been working on their roads. Ray also informed the Board that he would be proposing the purchase of some new equipment in the future.

Adam Allen reported that the Ambulance service was working on some billing discrepancies, and would give a financial report once those were solved. Allen is also in the process of updating his department’s policy and procedure handbook.

In the Sheriff’s report, Jail staff will soon undergo federal PREA training that they will split the cost of with Wayne and Wabash Counties.

The 9-1-1 Board will next meet on Monday at 6pm at the Courthouse.

The Board approved a bid by New Wave Communications to provide internet service for the Courthouse, Jail, Annex, and States Attorney’s office, chiefly due to less installation costs.

The Jail inspection report is on file at the County Clerk’s office.  The facility passed with zero compliance issues.

A presentation by Kenneth Koebele about adding AFLAC coverage for County employees was heard, but no action was taken.

The Board rejected a proposal to join the Southern Illinois Consortium for the Bi-Centennial Celebration, and approved the donation of an old copier from the States Attorney’s office to the Guardian Center.

The Board accepted the resignation of Ezra Millspaugh from the White County Housing Authority Board, and will look for a replacement.  The Board appointed Ronald Gwaltney to the Randolph Drainage District #1, and Daniel L Harris to the Granny Tweedle Levee District.  The Board also accepted the resignation of Brian Ray from the 9-1-1 Board.

The next meeting of the White County Board will be Tuesday, October 11 at 7pm, and the September meeting was recessed to November 15.