April 4, 7:30-8:30 p.m. — The Southeastern Illinois College Forensic Falcons will showcase their talents to the public during their annual “Night Before Nationals” in the George T. Dennis Visual & Performing Arts Center theatre. A minimum donation of $5 is suggested at the door to support the speech team’s trip to the Phi Rho Pi national tournament in Washington D.C. April 10-15.
April 6, 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. – A representative from Central Methodist University will be on campus in A/B lobby.
April 6, 3 p.m. — Southeastern Illinois College Falcon Baseball vs. Lakeland College at Falcon Field.
April 6, 4:30 p.m. – A 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Mary Jo Center for Child Study will be held in the George T. Dennis Visual and Performing Arts Center upper lobby. For more information, call 252-5400 ext. 3400.
April 6, 7 p.m. — SIC Concert Choir presents Broadway and Beyond in the George T. Dennis Visual & Performing Arts Center Theatre Lobby. Admission is free. For more information, contact 618-252-5400 x2486 or 2487 or 618-841-4649.
April 8, 8 a.m. – A Food Service Certification/Recertification Class will be offered on the Harrisburg campus in room A-116. Tuition is $49.50 and a fee of $52. A picture I.D. is required to take the exam. To register contact admissions at 252-5400 ext. 4120 and for more information contact Lori Cox at ext. 2800.
April 11, noon. — Southeastern Illinois College Falcon Baseball vs. Kaskaskia College at Falcon Field.
April 14, 1 p.m. — Southeastern Illinois College Falcon Baseball vs. Shawnee Community College at Falcon Field.
April 18, 4 p.m. — Southeastern Illinois College will hold its annual Kid’s Fair in the Joseph C. Deaton Gymnasuim. This year’s theme is “Down on the Farm”. Admission is free, as well as food and games.
April 20, 3 p.m. — Southeastern Illinois College Falcon Baseball vs. Olney Central College at Falcon Field.
April 21 and 22 at 7 p.m. and April 23 at 2 p.m. – Southeastern Illinois College Theatre presents My Fair Lady in the George T. Dennis Visual & Performing Arts Center at SIC. Tickets are $10 for general admission, $8 for students, staff and seniors. For more information, contact the box office at 618-252-5400, ext. 2486 or 2487 or call 618-841-4649.
April 24, 6 p.m. – SIC Board of Trustees meeting in the Rodney J. Brenner Board Room at SIC in Harrisburg.
April 25, 3 p.m. — Southeastern Illinois College Falcon Baseball vs. Rend Lake College at Falcon Field.
April 26, 9 a.m. — Southeastern Illinois College hosts a Job Fair in the Harry L. Crisp Student Center. Participants should bring copies of their resumes and be dressed to interview. For more information call 618-252-5400 ext. 2300.
April 27, 6:30 p.m. — Southeastern Illinois College will hold its annual Honors Night in the George T. Dennis Visual & Performing Arts Center.
April 29, noon — Southeastern Illinois College Falcon Baseball vs. Vincennes University at Falcon Field.
Visit SIC’s website for more upcoming event information. www.sic.edu/events