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Three sentenced in Hamilton County Court on Thursday

Three men were sentenced to the Illinois Department of Corrections in Hamilton County Court on Thursday according to States Attorney Justin Hood.

Charles Webb of McLeansboro, 27, has been sentenced in Hamilton County today to 3 years in department of Corrections.  He will served one year of M.S.R. once he is released.  Charles Webb was arrested by McLeansboro Police on November 8, 2016 for Obstructing Justice, class 4 felony, by hiding in furniture in a residence to avoid being arrested on an active arrest warrant out of White County.

Shiloh Walden, of Carmi, 28, plead guilty to Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine, Class 3 felony. He will be incarcerated in Department of Corrections for 2 years and 6 months and serve 1 year of M.S.R. after he released.  He was arrested by Illinois State Police after a car was stopped and he was a passenger in the vehicle.  Methamphetamine was found on his person. He was arrested on April 26, 2017.

Ray Reynolds, of McLeansboro, 33, plead guilty to Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine, Class 3 Felony. He will be incarcerated in Department of Corrections for 2 years and 6 months and serve 1 year of M.S.R. after he is released. He was arrested by McLeansboro Police on April 20, 2017. after meth was found in one of his socks.