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Thomas J. Tedeschi Re-Elected Chief Judge for 2nd Judicial Circuit

Franklin County Resident Circuit Judge Thomas J. Tedeschi has been re-elected Chief Judge of the Second Judicial Circuit for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2016 according to a November 6th press release. Judge Tedeschi was elected to the position by his fellow Circuit Judges at a quarterly judges meeting held on October 1st

The position of Chief Judge is called for by Article VI of the Constitution of the State of Illinois. Subject to the authority of the Illinois Supreme Court, the Chief Judge has general administrative authority over the judicial circuit.

Duties of the Chief Judge include assignment of judges and court reporters to particular counties, dissemination of information to judges and officers of the court, administration of the circuit’s Court Services/Probation Department, and interaction with the Circuit Clerks of each county.

The Second Judicial Circuit, which is served by fifteen Circuit Judges and six Associate Judges, encompasses Crawford, Edwards, Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jefferson, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, Wayne and White Counties. The Chief Judge’s office is located in the Justice Center in Mt. Vernon.

Judge Tedeschi is a graduate of SIU-C College of Law. Tedeschi was previously employed as a probation officer, Franklin County State’s Attorney Investigator, police officer and deputy sheriff in Franklin County. Judge Tedeschi served as an Assistant State’s Attorney in Franklin County. Judge Tedeschi was elected Franklin County Resident Circuit Judge in 2008 and retained for the position in November 2014.

Judge Tedeschi is 48 years of age and resides in Benton, with his wife Lori Ann. Judge Tedeschi is the father of four children: Dominick, age 20; Sesley Ann, age 12; Ensley Joeh, age 11; and Docker Elias, age 8.


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