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Stop The Bleed: Kiwanis Met Thursday


The Carmi Kiwanis Club met Thursday, Nov. 1, 2018, for their weekly luncheon

meeting at the Farm Bureau Building. President, Katelyne Wolff, welcomed members and guests following the meal provided by Yesterday’s Catering.

In keeping with the major emphasis of Kiwanis International – “Serving the Children of the World” – President Wolff recognized three groups of young people in attendance. First, Dr. Amy Dixon, Principal of Jefferson Attendance Center, introduced five 3rd graders who received certificates for Most Valuable Bulldog Award for the 1st quarter. (See picture attached of honorees). Secondly, Doug Hays, Kiwanis sponsor of the high school affiliate, Key Club, introduced four senior members of the club at CWCHS. And, thirdly, six members of the 2018 CWCHS golf team which finished in 4th place at State in Bloomington were introduced along with their coach, Trey Mason.

The day’s program was presented by representatives of Fairfield Memorial Hospital with a presentation entitled “Stop the Bleeding – Save a Life. Presenters Tracy Taylor, FMH Chief Nursing Officer, and Ashlee Johnson, FMH Health Careers Director, discussed the program initiated by the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons and endorsed by Fairfield Memorial Hospital.

The mission of the program is to teach civilian citizens how to control bleeding in a trauma situation prior to arrival of first responders or emergency personnel. The basic principles outlined were: 1) Before you offer any help, ensure your own safety; 2) Get help – call 9-1-1 or tell someone to call 9-1-1; 3) Find the source of

bleeding, and 4) Apply direct pressure on a wound or apply tourniquet if available. Presenters demonstrated First Aid Kits that are available for purchase to be kept in vehicles, businesses, etc. They also conducted a drawing for a kit which was won by Kaden Carter. For more information or to schedule a training seminar, call Fairfield Memorial Hospital or refer to

In club business Matt Lamont won the 50/50 drawing and Pres. Wolff reminded board members of the monthly board meeting to be held on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at noon at First Bank Dome Room.

Art Saunders, correspondent

Photos; Dr. Amy Dixon and Jefferson Attendance Center’s Most Valuable Bulldog Award recipients for First Quarter; Alex Vaupel, Annabeth Winkleman, Bailey Buchanan, Jan Goemat and Lex Day.

Carmi White County High School Golf Team; Fourth Place State Winners

Tracy Taylor, FMH Chief Nursing Officer, Kaden Carter, CWCHS student and Ashlee Johnson, FMH Health Careers Director.