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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Short Agenda for McL City Board

The McLeansboro City Council met for a little more than half an hour Tuesday night.  Scott Mareing was there and has this report…

Dale Holtmann of Scheffel Boyle presented the audit for Fiscal Year 2024.  He said there were no problems with the audit.  It was the best result you could hope for and the numbers were easy to go through.  Mayor Chad May said this was the first year that everything matches up with what they were expecting and that the board members have done a great job in improving the process.

The board approved amending the liquor ordinance to include a change in hours alcohol can be served, with only Sharon Hall voting “no”.

One pump is being used for the Hamco Heights lift station until the two new pumps come in and are installed.

The board approved the Load Modifying Resource Service Agreement.

The dispatch agreement between the city, Hamilton County Sheriff and Hamilton County Board was tabled until next month’s meeting because the agreement is not back from the city attorney as of yet.

The Consent Agenda was approved, which includes approval of a Façade Improvement Grant Agreement between Hamilton County Loan, Hamilton County Economic Development Commission and the City of McLeansboro.  It also includes renewal of the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Hamilton County School System and the City regarding an SRO officer for one year.

In other business, the city’s CD’s have matured and are doing very well; Officer Harmon is planning on leaving the Police Department probably the first week in February and they will accept applications for a new officer right after he leaves; and the Fire Department is one engine down until it can be fixed.

The board adjourned at 6:04 PM.