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Rotary hears about Switzerland

The Carmi Rotary club took a trip to Switzerland on Thursday, thanks to longtime Rotarian Dale Peters. Dale and his wife recently returned from the European nation, where they were visiting their son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren, who live in a suburb of Zurich. Dale’s daughter-in-law works for Mondalez, which is a division of Kraft FoodsRotary-Nov19 - 04886df

Photo credit – Kenneth Harrelson

Dale told the club that their grandchildren attend an international school, where everything is taught in English, but the students come from all over the world. He said that most people in Switzerland speak at least two, and sometimes three languages. He stated that his grandchildren can now speak German, which is the official language of Switzerland.


He remarked that the country is one of the most beautiful places he’s ever been, and said that he never sees trash or litter anywhere. He also remarked that where his family lives, is surrounded by cattle, and all the cows wear cow bells. This makes for a noisy morning, since during the warm months, everyone sleeps with their windows open.


The only negative he encounters is the high cost of living. He related a few grocery prices he had made note of, such as: Sirloin steak at fifty dollars per pound, chicken at twelve dollars a pound, a gallon of milk for six dollars, and diesel fuel for seven dollars a gallon.

He also said that eating out is very expensive.


Dale also told the club that in Switzerland everything gets recycled, and failure to do so can result in a hefty fine. Speaking of fines, he mentioned that there are cameras with speed guns on all the major highways, and speeders simply get a fine in the mail if they’re caught exceeding the speed limits. One teacher in his grandchildren’s school didn’t like the fine and wrote a note to complain, her answer was a higher fine than the one she originally received.


President Tom Logan took the floor and reminded the Rotarians about the next big fundraiser. This Friday, November 20th, the club will be hosting a chili supper at the American Legion on Oak Street. They will be serving chili and all the fixin’s from five until seven. The cost per ticket is only six dollars, and tickets can be purchased at the door or from any Carmi Rotarian.


Lynn Stephens was named the day’s phantom, and Andy Williams won the 50/50 drawing but did not claim the day’s cash jackpot.


Kelly Pyle made a motion to donate one hundred dollars to the Baptist Children’s home, and the motion was seconded and approved by the club.


The Carmi Rotary club meets every Thursday at noon at the First United Methodist Church in Carmi. Anyone wishing to learn more about this worldwide civic club is more than welcome to attend a meeting or speak with any Carmi Rotarian.


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