Fill up your Spring 2017 schedule with two music ensemble elective classes to help get one step closer to a degree. Rend Lake College’s Concert Band and Concert Choir are searching for talented musicians to join them for the 2016-17 academic year.
Both courses are tuition free and registering now to begin January 9. Concert Choir (MUSI 1159), under the direction of Sara Alstat, RLC Music Associate Professor, is a vocal ensemble that performs in concerts and at college functions throughout the semester. The course is designed to provide a performing outlet for talented college musicians. The choir rehearses from 12 – 12:50 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the Learning Resource Center (LRC).
Members of the Concert Choir performed at the 2016 Fall Concert last week in the RLC Theatre. Students and community members perform several times each semester at various concerts and events on campus. The Concert Band also performed.
(RLC Photo)
The Concert Band (MUSI 1161), led by Joseph Ryker, Band and Orchestra Director, offers experienced band musicians more venues to perform and includes at least one concert per semester. The band rehearses from 11 – 11:50 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays in the LRC.
Both courses are available to any student or community member. If you don’t have an instrument for the band – don’t worry – RLC has a number of instruments for students to use. This semester, members of the Concert Band and Concert Choir will perform at the Student and Faculty Recital, scheduled for 3 p.m. April 30; and the Spring Concert, set for 7 p.m. May 4. Both free events will be held in the RLC Theatre.
This fall, both ensembles performed three times on campus in the Halloween Concert and Fall Concert. The Concert Choir also participates in on-campus events, such as the annual Fun Fest in September.
Participants must be 16 years of age or older, and one credit hour can be earned for each ensemble. For more information about the Concert Band or Concert Choir, contact Sara Alstat at [email protected] or 618-201-2044.