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Ramp Closure Coming for I-69/U.S. 41 in Evansville

The Indiana Department of Transportation announces a short ramp closure for I-69 in Evansville.

Beginning on or around Monday April 17, crews with J.H. Rudolph will close the ramp from northbound U.S. 41 to Northbound I-69 to perform patching operations. The ramp is expected to re-open on Wednesday, April 19 depending upon weather conditions. Until then the ramp will be closed around the clock. The official detour for this ramp uses US 41 and State Road 66 to I-69.

Motorists should be on the lookout for more closures of this nature in the area. This closure is part of a project to perform patching and paving on both the ramps and mainline I-69. Further closures and restrictions are expected until early to mid-July. INDOT urges motorists to adhere to the work zone speed limit and stay alert near workers.