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Norris City Village Board Met Monday Night

The Norris City Village Board met in its regular monthly session last night at the Village Hall, after being held for the last several months at the Lions Club Building due to the pandemic.

Danny Woosley, who handles the village employees’ medical insurance addressed the board about their health care plan, which needs to be renewed June 1st.  After about a half hour discussion, the board decided to go with a plan from Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois with a monthly premium of $13,073, which is lower than if they would have stayed with their current plan, and gap coverage from Standard Life with a slightly higher physician/office co-pay.

Regina and Mason Bryant of Bryant Construction of Harrisburg presented a letter for all the board members to read concerning them presenting the lowest bid for work on Phase II of the water main project at the March 1st board meeting.  The law says the board must accept the lowest reasonable bid, but since Bryant had a lawsuit pending and some of their projects have received some complaints, the village decided to go with the second lowest bid.   Regina Bryant disputed the allegations, saying they have been in business since 1973, do a good job and have had very few complaints with their work.  Discussions between the two sides are continuing.

There will be an adjustment made on the Lions’ Club water bill after a leak was discovered there.

There have been some complaints of many people speeding on Brooks Drive.  Extra police patrols will be sent out to watch for speeders.

There have also been several complaints about standing water on streets.  Some of the work that will need to be done is supposed to be the responsibility of the township.

And there have been complaints of ATV’s driving up and down Main Street, which is illegal.

Repair work needs to be done on the Wakeford property on the plumbing and heating.  Work on the plumbing is already beginning and the village board agreed to allocate up to $2,000 to pay for the heating.

The board also agreed to donate $500 as usual to the NCOE High School Graduation and all-night after-graduation alcohol and drug-free party on Friday, April 14th and $1,500 to the Norris City Ambulance Service building, their annual contribution.  And the village decided to sponsor a team and two holes for the Annual Fighting Cardinals Golf Scramble on Saturday, May 1st.

In the police report for March, there were 12 reports written, four arrests made and three citations issued as well as 19 9-1-1 calls.  They were assisted by the White County Sheriff’s Department, Carmi and Enfield Police Departments and Illinois State Police concerning a home invasion, aggravated battery, burglary and theft from a resident on March 11th.  The help was greatly appreciated due the potential for violence, location and time of the vehicle stop, number of occupants and being in an area with poor radio reception.

It was agreed the town wide rummage sale will be held on Friday and Saturday, April 30th and May 1st. Clean-up week will be the week of May 3rd.  Everything must be set out at the curb by May 5th and call the city office for pickup.

And Mayor Roy Kissell reminded everyone to vote in today’s municipal election.

The next village board meeting will be on Monday, May 3rd at 7 PM at the Village Hall.




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