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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

No Resolve for Dispatch Fees in Enfield

The Enfield Village Board met Tuesday night for its regular monthly meeting.  Scott Mareing was there and has this report…

There was a discussion concerning an item that wasn’t even on the agenda, and that was the village paying their Dispatch Fee with the Sheriff’s Office.  They have the option of paying a lump sum of $3,600 or a monthly amount of $333.34.  The full amount is due by June First.  The board members have agreed for a long time that paying a fee is unfair, but that if they don’t, the village won’t be provided with the services they need.  After about a half hour or not being able to come to a consensus, the board members decided to table the matter and discuss it further at the February board meeting.

A lot of work has been put in fixing up the Booth School.  A dryer will be installed shortly and some new floor covering was donated to them.  The problems with the boiler were brought up later in the meeting.

They approved a resolution for an Engineering Agreement with Brown & Roberts for a sewer grant.

Springerton was to meet to discuss their police contract renewal, but they haven’t heard back from them as of yet.  More on that later.

Concerning the 2005 GMC truck, after a brief discussion it was decided that they would look into purchasing a new vehicle instead of a used one they had been looking at.

Morgan Doggett with Adeline Development Group in Fairfield addressed the board about grant assistance.  She told the board members that they can provide the village with one year of free help in obtaining grants for the Enfield Police Department. The department was recommended to them by many local community members.  Their program is designed to help those entities rebuilding or just getting started.  It would provide help in completing one grant application monthly for the police department.  Grant money could come from any state or federal sources.  The group can also help with any other projects for a fee, such as about $80,000 in boiler repairs that are needed at the Booth School.

In the Police report, Chief Justin Titzer said that he knows Springerton wants to sign a 90 day renewal on their police contract and that Mill Shoals is happy with their service and wants to do another 90 day renewal.  He said there has been a reduction in burglaries, meth and night walking, and reported crime has dropped overall.  Titzer also said he has a good working relationship with the White County Sheriff’s Department.

In the Animal Control report, they have filed for a USDA grant from for the pound, which would cover everything involved with it.  It’ll take three to six months to hear back from them.

In other business, the buildings on the Miller St. and 209 Sacramento properties will be torn down as soon as Kyle Poore completes work on a currently contracted project.

The strainer for the altitude valve is still on order.

It was recommended that “Call Julie Before You Dig” banners should be put on the fence at the Booth School and near the highway

Finally,  the board went into an Executive Session at 8:23 PM to discuss the small business grant, with possibly no action to follow.