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New CCUD#5 Teachers Introduced to Kiwanis

New Teachers

Photo Tag Line: Principals Jarrod Newell and Dr. Amy Dixon helped welcome new teachers to their buildings during Thursday’s Kiwanis Club Meeting. Left to right at Newell, White County CEO Facilitator Tracy Orr, Margherita Di Maggio, Jamie Cowling and Dixon. (Photo credit: Art Saunders.)

The Carmi Kiwanis Club was introduced to new teachers of the Carmi Community Unit Dist. #5 at Thursday’s luncheon meeting.  Mr. Brad Lee, Superintendent, introduced each building principal who in turn spoke of new happenings in his/her building along with introducing any new teachers.

The Carmi district has two new teachers for the 2016-2017 school year.  Dr. Amy Dixon, principal of the Lincoln and Jefferson Attendance Centers, introduced Mrs. Jamie Cowling, 1st grade teacher at the Lincoln School.  Mrs. Cowling is a transfer teacher from the NCOE district.  Mr. Jarrod Newell, high school principal, introduced Mrs. Margherita Di Maggio as the foreign language teacher teaching Spanish.  Mrs. Di Maggio taught in the Eldorado and Harrisburg districts last year.  In addition to these teachers Mrs. Tracy Orr was introduced as the Facilitator of the new high school entrepreneurial program, CEO.

Mr. Lee followed up with a review of the district in the following areas:

  • 103 certified teaching staff and administrators and 100 support staff
  • 6th day enrollment of 1,397
  • Currently 100% state funding – the first since 2011 and despite a loss of 2.2 million dollars in General State Aide since FY12, a 1.7 million dollar positive balance in education fund for FY 2016
  • $515,575 revenue received so far this year in the 1% sales tax with a projected total revenue of $620,000 per year with 1/3 earmarked toward reduced debts and 2/3s for capital projects
  • The sale of the 7th Street Pre-K building and the upcoming sale of the Crossville Attendance Center by private bid.

In club business, President Alan Saunders discussed the upcoming Corn Days on Oct. 7-8 and emphasized it is just 30 days away.  He also reminded club members of the Peanut Day activity on Saturday, Sept. 17 and a board meeting scheduled for next Wednesday evening Sept. 14 at 6 p.m. at Tequilas.  Visitors were Mrs. Deborah Porter, daughter of Bill Harmon and Miss Matilda Orr, daughter of Tracy Orr.