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NCOE School Board learns District still not receiving transportation and special ed funds

The NCOE Board of Education held their meeting Wednesday evening in the Superintendent’s office.  The minutes and the bills for the month were approved as presented.

During presentation of the Treasurer’s Report Mr. Vollman told the Board that we continue to see no money for transportation or special education for FY17 from the State.

Mr. Haley reported that Mr. Austin and the band did very well at their mattress fundraiser on January 28th. They raised almost $7,000 and plan on doing the fundraiser again in January 2018.   On February 2nd the high school held a blood drive and had a great turn out.

Senior night will be this Friday night at the Homecoming game and the Homecoming dance will be Saturday evening.  Basketball regionals are next week and NCOE will be hosting the sectionals.

At NCO the Jr. high basketball team finished a great season with a 20-5 record. Currently the NCOE Jr high volleyball team is undefeated.  Mr. Flechs reported that on February 2nd the students were treated to a fantastic reptile assembly.

On January 27th NCO was awarded by the American Heart Association for 20 years of participation in the Jump Rope for Heart program.  They recognized Mrs. Kingston with a plaque for her many years of service to the American Heart Association.

Mrs. Carter let the Board know that Booth would be having their spring book fair on February 27th.  Also, the Booth Bookies book club will be taking a field trip on March 7 to local daycares and retirement centers.  They will also be doing a read-a-thon to raise money for the White County Relay for Life.

Booth PTO will be hosting Bingo on March 10th and raffling Cardinal tickets to help raise money for the end of the year trip for the students.

Board member, Matt McArthy, made a presentation to the Board regarding the Booth Trust land and mineral ownership.  This was very information and included maps of the locations of the various tracts that the Booth Trust presently owns.

In other business the Board:

–  Accepted the Booth Trust Report as presented.

–  Had the second reading of updated Board Policies.

–  Let bids for mowing.

– Accepted resignation of Melvin E. Hoskins.