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NCOE gets clean audit report at October meeting

The District’s new teachers were introduced Wednesday evening during the Norris City-Omaha-Enfield Board of Education meeting.  The new teachers are Rachel Fink, Language Arts at NCO; Ashley Douglass, Reading at NCO; and Jenny Ridge, first grade at NCO.  NCO Principal David Flechs told the Board that these teachers are a great addition to the district.

Superintendent Matt Vollman gave the audit report submitted by C.J. Schlosser & Co., LLC.  The audit indicated the school district had a “clean” audit and is in good financial standing. Mr. Vollman reported to the Board that the school district is awaiting categorical payments in transportation and special education that the State is delinquent on. The lack of State support in these areas will put financial strains on the district.

The teachers and staff received CPR and AED training during an in-service on October 7.

The Board congratulated the JR High band and drum section for earning first place during the Corn Day festivities.

Booth Principal Carla Carter reported that Spirit Week is next week and many fun activities are planned for the students and staff at Booth to prepare for the Basketball Season.

NCOE Principal Todd Haley reported that Mrs. Annette Braden will be conducting a Financial Aid workshop for parents of senior students to assist with filling out forms on October 20th at the high school.

In other business, the Board—

—Agreed to allow winter walkers from 6:00-7:30 in the High School gym.

–Red Ribbon Week is October 24-28.