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Mt. Carmel Police arrest reports 1/9 – 1/11

The following subjects were arrested by the Mt. Carmel Police Department.  All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

01/11/2017- Mt. Carmel Police Department arrested 31 year old Jason Lee Byrns of Mt. Carmel after he failed to notify authorities that he had changed his employment status.  Byrns is a registered sex offender and is required to notify authorities when he changes jobs or residences.  Byrns was located and placed into custody where he was served a $5,000 warrant.  Byrns was released after posting bond.

01/10/2016-Mt. Carmel Police responded to a DUI crash at around 6:00 pm Tuesday evening.  The arresting officer reported that 24 year old Joshua D. Bender of Newburgh, Indiana was driving a 1999 Jeep when he struck the rear a 2000 Honda being driven by Nikita Carey.  When police arrived on scene they suspected Bender of being under the influence of alcohol.  Bender was arrested and charged with DUI, failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident, driving while license is suspended, and illegal transportation of alcohol.  Bender was transported to the Wabash County Jail and held pending the posting of bond.

01/09/2016-Mt. Carmel Police arrested 25 year old Telisha D. Ridgley of Princeton after she was stopped by police in the 900 block of Market Street.  During the traffic stop it was discovered that Ridgley was operating a motor vehicle on a suspended driver’s license.  Ridgley was transported to the Wabash County Jail where she was cited for driving while suspended and operating an uninsured motor vehicle.  Ridgley is being held in the Wabash County Jail pending the posting of bond.

Mt. Carmel Police arrested 27 year old Logan Stoneberger of Mt. Carmel after she was stopped for a traffic violation in the 600 block of Copp Avenue.  During the traffic stop it was discovered that Stoneberger was in possession of a pair of brass knuckles.  Stoneberger was arrested and transported to the Wabash County Jail where she was charged with unlawful use of a weapon.  Stoneberger was held pending the posting of bond.