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More than 40% of US States represented at Corn Days 2016

courtesy of Barry Cleveland

People from at least 22 states and three nations took advantage of the opportunity to “sit a spell” beneath the Carmi Kiwanians’ hospitality tent during the Corn Days celebration.
A large map of the United States was displayed just outside the tent, and visitors were invited to poke pins into the map at the locations of their home cities. They were also invited to sign a visitors’ book.
Mark Abbey traveled the furthest to attend the celebration, returning to his hometown from his current home in Udonthani, Thailand. Kash Kays was the runnerup, making his way to Carmi from Joao Pessoa, Brazil.
More than 50 others signed the guest book. Several came from communities in Illinois, Indiana or Kentucky, while the states of Tennessee, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Mississippi, Nebraska, Texas, Georgia, Maryland, Arkansas, Michigan, Louisiana, Colorado, New York, Florida, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Ohio, California and Washington were also represented.