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McLeansboro Mayor Issues Update on Dispatch Negotiations

The last meeting of 2024 for the McLeansboro City Council was held Tuesday night for about half an hour.  Scott Mareing was there and has this report…
At the opening of the meeting, Mayor Chad May read a statement concerning dispatch services between the city and Hamilton County, as there has been a lot of controversy about the matter.  The statement also mentions the replacement and upgrade of the city’s fire protection vehicles, as well as property tax and homeowner insurance rate increases.  You can find the mayor’s remarks below:
 Mike Scattone, a frequent participant in the public comment section of the meetings, just had one suggestion for the council, and that is to not take any action on this matter until after next year’s local elections.
Approved by the board was the annual tax levy for the city of McLeansboro for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2024 and ending April 30, 2025, plus changing some of the wording of an ordinance regarding employee expense vouchers.
There was first reading of an ordinance amending Article 21 of the city code concerning liquor sales, adding a Class H license for a spa or salon.  The board members will look it over and possibly approve it at next month’s meeting.
The Consent Agenda was approved, which includes keeping McLeansboro City Council meetings on the third Tuesday of every month beginning at 5:30 PM at 102 West Main Street.
In the police report for November, the K-9 officer sniffed out four grams of marijuana.
The board went into Closed Session at 5:59 PM for discussion of security procedures, with no action to be taken.