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McLeansboro Council Meeeting This Week

McLeansboro Council Meets Tuesday


The City of McLeansboro council will meet Tuesday evening at 6 at the Laborer’s Hall on Market Street, for a agenda filled meeting.

The McLeansboro council will look at a resolution authorizing the purchase of natural gas from PEFA. Utility gas management  will also be discussed.

The council is expected to approve an intergovernmental agreement between the City of McLeansboro, Hamilton County, the City of Fairfield and Wayne County concerning an enterprise zone.

TIF monies to Tom Wolf and the Mcleansboro Dairy Queen will be discussed, with action expected.

Christmas bonuses will be considered for city employees and volunteer fire fighters.

Other matters before the McLeansboro council include removal or demolition of a mobile home on Rowan Drive, a sexual harassment policy, as well as discussion and action on executive session minutes and the destruction of records of certain closed meetings and the release of the minutes of certain closed meetings.