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McLeansboro City Council to Meet Tonight

The McLeansboro City Council will hold its regular monthly meeting tonight at 6 p.m. at 100 South Jackson Street. The meeting is open to the public, but if you would like to call in, phone 701-802-5409, the access code is 5375621

Discussion / Action will be taken on bad debt write-off, running a gas main west under Highway 142 due to gas pressure issues when cold, a pay request for the Water Tower project, approval of Change Order #1 for contract A; regarding the water tower, the amendment to the water tower budget, approval of the PER amendment for the proposed sanitary sewer project subject to final review by Rural Development and the city, accept quit claim deed of conveyance from DGOGMcleansboroill1042020LLC to the city of McLeansboro, incorporate the alley attached to 601 East Randolph Street, accepting the property donated by Bird Dog Properties, accepting the agreement from IDOT regarding the viaduct, the sidewalk south of Greg James Memorial Park (north side of Market Street), the selling of old lawnmowers and purchasing of new lawnmowers for the parks and recreation department, Resolution 21-04 authorizing the sale of surplus real estate, passing Resolution 21-02 allowing Illinois Codification Service to edit and codify the ordinances and publish a Code of Ordinances, funding for the new sewer main improvement in the alley on Washington and Randolph, the MFT Resolution, a budget for the building of a new City Hall, the purchase of new playground equipment for the Izaak Walton Cabin area, and the rental rates for Izaak Walton Cabin.

An Executive Session will be held to discuss employment of a specific individual and discussion of minutes legally closed under the Open Meetings Act, with possible action to follow.


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