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Lincoln Presidential library holds second art contest

SPRINGFIELD – Children across America are getting another chance to use their creativity to honor the nation’s 16th president as the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum holds its second Lincoln Art Contest.

The deadline for submissions is Dec. 18. Winning entries will go on display at the presidential museum on Lincoln’s birthday, Feb. 12, and remain there throughout the year.

Applications and additional details can be found at

The previous contest drew more than 1,200 entries demonstrating tremendous talent and creativity. Some of the top entries can be seen at

Learning history is about more than memorizing dates and taking tests. Producing art is a great way for students to connect with historic events and consider their meaning.

For instance, the theme of the new contest is “Lincoln in Illinois,” so students could explore his 1830 arrival in the state, his progress from restless young man to president-elect, his departure for Washington in 1861 or anything else connecting Lincoln to Illinois.

Submissions must be on poster board 14 inches high by 11 inches wide in portrait orientation (that is, taller than it is wide); and it cannot use copyrighted characters such as Iron Man or Mickey Mouse.

The contest is open for students from kindergarten through the end of high school. There will be winners in three categories: Grades K-5, 6-8 and 9-12.

Contact Carol Manning (217-558-8929, [email protected]) with questions.


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