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IECC Board of Trustees Meeting – February 21, 2017

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Eastern Community College District No. 529 met Tuesday night, February 21st at Lincoln Trail College, Robinson, Illinois and considered and approved a resolution for the issuance of $6,250,000 in General Obligation Community College Bonds, Series 2017, for paying claims against the District.

The IECC District’s Identity Theft Prevention Program and Status Report for 2016 were approved.  The District participates in the Federal Direct Student Loan Program, offers institutional loans to students, and administers a tuition payment plan that allows qualified students to pay their tuition and fees throughout the semester.  Therefore, IECC is a “creditor” and student accounts are “covered accounts” subject to the Red Flag Rule, which required IECC to develop and implement the program.  There were no reports regarding the detection of any red flags in 2016.

The uncertainty of the state to fund the community college system has required the District to review current tuition and fees.  Trustees approved an increase of $2 for the Student Support Fee, a $5 increase to the Maintenance Fee, and a new Activity Fee of a flat fee of $60 to students taking six (6) or more credit hours in the Fall or Spring semesters.  Even with the increase, IECC’s tuition is second lowest in the state.

The Board approved an affiliation agreement for the District’s Associate Degree in Nursing Program (ADN) with Lawrence Crawford Association, located in Robinson.

Board approval was given for revisions to the Leave and Benefit Policy to ensure compliance with recent amendments to the Illinois Sick Leave Act.

A new program fee for the Electrical Distribution Program students of $50 per student, per semester, was approved.  This fee will offset the cost of purchasing consumable supplies and providing maintenance to program equipment.

The Board accepted the Calendar Year 2016 Annual Report of the IECC 403(b) Plan.

Approval was given for a collective bargaining agreement between the Illinois Eastern Community College District and the Illinois Eastern Colleges Education Association.  Bargaining unit faculty members negotiated a 1.5% pay increase.  Also, current district administration and staff were granted a pay increase of 1.5% for the 2016-2017 academic year and were granted four leave days to be taken during the summer of 2017.

Destiny Stambaugh was employed as Coordinator of Financial Aid at Lincoln Trail, effective February 23, 2017.

Change in Status was approved for Julie Higginbotham from Office Assistant, at Lincoln Trail to Assistant Dean of Student services at Lincoln Trail, effective February 22, 2017.

Resignation ratifications were approved for Megan Scott, Assistant Dean of Student Services, Lincoln Trail, effective February 17, 2017 and for Leann Gumbel, Office Assistant, Olney Central, effective March 15, 2017.

Two retirement ratifications were approved for Robert Tice, Custodian, Olney Central, effective May 1, 2017 and  Teresa Odom, Nursing Instructor, Wabash Valley, effective May 13, 2017

The Faculty Seniority Lists for 2016-2017 were approved for both bargaining unit and non-bargaining unit faculty.

Bargaining Unit and Non Bargaining Unit faculty were employed for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at Olney Central College, Olney, on Tuesday, March 21st, at 7:00 p.m.