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Horizon Healthcare’s Business & Health Information Offices to be merged with Fairfield Memorial Hospital Offices

Fairfield Memorial Hospital is merging the Horizon Healthcare Business Office and Health Information Office with the Hospital’s Business Office and Health Information Departments in order to streamline processes for patients billing and health information needs beginning Monday, April 4. The Fairfield Memorial Hospital Billing Office and Health Information Office are located in the Mattie B. Rinard Building, which is located between the Hospital and the Medical Arts Complex.

“We feel the merge of offices will definitely be better for our patients who need assistance at times from both the Hospital and Horizon Healthcare regarding their bills and health information. Therefore, having them both in one location relieves some burden on those individuals. In addition, this change will also be wonderful for our staff, as these offices often work closely with one another and being in one location will streamline their processes to be more efficient. In healthcare, we are always evolving and identifying ways we can be more proficient with our services and this was just one we felt we could enhance our customer service,” stated Katherine Bunting-Williams, Ph.D., FMH CEO.

Beginning April 4, 2016, all Business Office questions for both Horizon Healthcare and the Hospital can be answered by calling 618-842-2611, ext. 467, and the Health Information Office for both Horizon Healthcare and the Hospital can reached directly by dialing 618-847-8247.