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Holiday Hoorah



The Carmi Christmas Lights of Hope and the Carmi Christmas Elves will host a special event Saturday, December 16 at the White County fairgrounds, here in Carmi.

The group will not only be displaying their outside lights through the fairgrounds, but will have special activities on-going in the Floral Hall, beginning around 5 that evening.

There will be two of Santa’s real reindeer on hand. Snap Photo Booth will be taking pictures with the reindeer from  5 until 7.

First Mid Bank and Trust will host a hot chocolate bar. Huck’s and Integrity Roofing will be serving snacks and drinks.

Carmi’s Santa will be on hand and will be taking wish lists.

Steve Knight will have his train cars on site and will be giving rides to the kids.

618 Boutique will be setting up an ornament decorating station and there will be Christmas movies inside the floral hall and a coloring station.

The ice skating and inflatables will be outside. A reminder, you must sign a waiver and receive an armband prior to skating or using the inflatables.

Raffle tickets will be available for $1 each or five for $6. There are some gift baskets to raffle off.

Don’t forget to drive through the lights while enjoying the rest of the activities.

Organizers of the Christmas Lights of Hope explained they continue to work on their  $30,000 goal to provide shoes to more than 600 kids in 2024.


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