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Historical Society Plant Sale Coming Up

Plant Sale 2019

Warm weather is finally arriving and folks are ready to get out and work in their gardens. For those who look forward to this spring project, the White County Historical Society is planning their annual plant sale at the Robinson-Stewart House on Saturday May 4.

The Society is asking for donations to make this sale as successful as before. Plants and seeds are needed. Herbs, shrubs, bulbs, as well as any annuals or perennials would be welcome. If you have any plants that need to be thinned, please dig them before the sale and put them in disposable containers. Label them and bring them to the R-S house the week before the sale.

All proceeds go to the landscaping and yard maintenance of the Robinson-Stewart House. For more information or help with digging, please call Lana Anselment at 382-5320 or Barb Kearney at 618-218-8249.