The 2024 Hamilton/Wayne/White County Relay For Life season ended on August 31. This year’s event was amazingly successful as official results reveal a total of $62,394 raised in honor of those touched by cancer.
Individuals were recognized for their fundraising efforts. Patricia Hodgson, Top Individual Fundraiser, raised $17,602. Grand Club Fundraisers (raising over $1,000 each) were Jennifer Murphy, Deanna Douglas, Tina Mayberry, Carol Gidcumb Bough, Cindy Anselment, Diane Kunkel, and Annie Maloney.
Team Hodgson was recognized as the Top Team Fundraiser with over $17,000. Other teams receiving recognition for raising over $4,000 each were: Friends For Life, Wayne City Walkers, Hamilton County COUNTRY Crusaders, and East Side Foxes.
The Relay Committee expressed “a sincere thank you to all who made this event a success…the teams, our sponsors, donors, all who participated in the event, entertainers, those who set up for the event and packed up at the end of the night. Each of you helped make our event a great success!”
“We each relay for our personal reasons, but we come together as one with the same vision to help everyone affected by cancer. Every dollar raised not only helps support cancer patients today, but also helps the American Cancer Society fund research for cures for generations to come.”
L-R: Stephanie Smith, American Cancer Society Representative, and Patricia Hodgson, Top Fundraiser