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Grayville City Council Approves new Hotel License, Purchases Fire Pits for Hilltop Campground, and more Monday Night

The City of Grayville convened for their second monthly meeting Monday night at City Hall.  Commissioner Josh Downs was the only official absent.  Following a 15 minute executive session, the board approved giving City Attorney Jay Walden permission to address delinquent revolving loan accounts.

Commissioner David Jordan motioned for approval the purchase of ten fire pits for the Hilltop Campground.  Each comes at an investment of $127.  That motion carried unanimously.

Several items on the agenda ended up not ready for consideration.  Among them, water filtration and the corresponding engineering agreement.  Attorney Walden said he was still working on the request to vacate a portion of Silver Street.  The board is also still reviewing insurance proposals with a self imposed deadline of the final October meeting to move on that agenda item.

Grayville Council members did grant right of way permits for Clearwave on Court Street from the new Fairfield Medical facility north to Darrins Collision Repair.  The council also approved the local VFW to solicit donations from 8 to noon on October 27th and set official Trick or Treat hours for Wednesday, October 31st from 4pm – 8pm.

A new buyer official purchased the old Windsor Oaks and operating under the name Grayville Hospitality Group requested a new Class E Hotel License.  Grayville authorities granted that license pending the proper filing of paperwork and return of the prior license.

City Treasurer Sharon Walden was approved to put together details for seeking  proposals regarding the required annual audit.

In Commissioner reports, David Jordan said  the Christian Church parking lot resurfacing began earlier Monday saying it wasn’t a moment too soon as there were some soft spots found.  Though not on the agenda, Commissioner Bob Stroud submitted quotes for pumping out the sewer lagoon for a future meeting.  Mayor Bisch talked about the recent IML conference he attended saying many of the state’s small cities were facing the same issues and it was good to gather and hear how other municipalities are tackling those problems.  Guests at the meeting invited officials to the Grayville Fire Department’s Safety Day coming up this Saturday from 10am – 1pm.  Pork Chops will be available and the Grayville Lions Club is providing Cotton Candy.