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Pictured are:

Front row (left to right): June Auvil, Timothy Smith, Dorothy Dickey, Lonna Taylor, David Land, Marie Rutger, and Anita Newcomb

Back row (left to right): Charlene Carter, Barbara Medler, Gayala Blackford, Fern Atwood, Pat Kenshalo, Margot Young, Judy Jelley, Doris Hess, and Betty Pottorff

In celebration of National Volunteer Week, Fairfield Memorial Hospital honored Volunteers for their service and dedication by hosting the Annual Volunteer Recognition and Awards Dinner on Monday, April 16. The event was held in the Fellowship Hall of the Fairfield First United Methodist Church. Dinner was prepared and served by the Methodist Men’s Group of the church with over 40 people in attendance.

Charlotte St. Ledger, Volunteer Coordinator, welcomed everyone in attendance. Mrs. St. Ledger then introduced Jami and Niki Roethe, who presented information on the Hanna House Museum and its origins. The ladies also brought along some of the items that are on display at the Hanna House. Their stories about some of the more interesting items and visits they have had at the Hanna House brought many laughs to the audience.

Pastor Donna Blythe gave the invocation prior to dinner being served.

Following dinner, Mrs. St. Ledger introduced Katherine Bunting-Williams, CEO, and the other members of Administration that were in attendance. Mrs. St. Ledger also introduced the Auxiliary Officers & Committee Chairs. She then introduced new Auxiliary members in 2017, Mary Joan Sons, Betty Pottorff, Barbara Medler, Tammy Vail, Paulette Pruitt, and Sandra Stence. It was reported that FMH Volunteers worked over 12,000 hours in 2017.

Dr. Bunting-Williams then came forward to present cumulative hour awards to the following volunteers:

100 Hour Pin & Bar – Betty Pottorff, Barbara Medler, Tim Smith

500 Hour Bar – Margot “Maxi” Young, Gayala Blackford, Pat Cooper, Dorothy Dickey, Lonna Taylor

1,000 Hour Bar – Fern Atwood, Charlene Carter

1,500 Hour Bar – David Land

2,500 Hour Bar – Anita Newcomb

3,000 Hour Bar – June Auvil, Doris Hess, Nikki Hale

3,500 Hour Bar – Judy Jelley

5,500 Hour Bar – Marie Rutger

6,000 Hour Bar – Kitty Dunlap

10,500 Hour Bar – Pat Kenshalo

Special recognition was given to Maxine Talbert, who was unable to attend the dinner, for her many years of continued service. Mrs. Talbert, who is 99 years old and still volunteering, is the

sole remaining charter member of the Ladies Auxiliary, which was established when the hospital opened in 1950.

Following the awards presentation, Pat Kenshalo presented gifts of appreciation from the Volunteers to Mrs. St. Ledger, who will be retiring this year.

As a token of appreciation, FMH’s Administration gave out over $350 of cash in various increments, as door prizes to those Volunteers lucky enough to have their name drawn.

“Fairfield Memorial Hospital is fortunate to have such a remarkable group of volunteers, who have selflessly volunteered their time to our patients and our organization. We could not do it without their assistance. There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer and our volunteers give with all of their hearts, for which we are eternally grateful.” stated Katherine Bunting-Williams, CEO of Fairfield Memorial Hospital.