An Enfield woman says someone has kicked her door in twice in the last week, robbing her both times. 32 year old Eva Pierce tells White County Sheriff’s authorities she’s in the process of moving to Enfield from 729 Shipley in Carmi. The report indicates when she went to the Shipley Street residence on Sunday, the 18th, she found the back door had been kicked in and several items were missing including her son’s clothes, a pair of her boots, and most of her kitchenware. When she left, she says she secured the house. Pierce says when she came back yesterday (Thursday), she was greeted by the back door kicked in again and several more items missing. This time, four Straight Talk Moto E6 phones, an Xbox 360 console and several games, Guitar Hero accessories, a Wii Sensor bar and controllers. She says it’s entirely possible she’ll find more things missing once she’s able to go through the entire residence. A burglary report was filed. No suspects are listed on the report.