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Dr. Suess Party Coming to Library

Library Still Has Pecans and Replicas for Sale


The Carmi Public Library and Friends of the Library announced a special fund-raiser that will coincide with the annual Dr. Suess Birthday party, set for March 1.

The party will run from 3:30 until 4:30 that afternoon and will include stories, crafts, snacks and door prizes. All ages of children are welcome.

The special fund-raiser features two small Dr. Suess themed quilts. Tickets are are $1 each or six for $5. The quilt drawing will be held March 1st and you need not be present to win. The quilts were donated and made by Diana Campbell Jordan.


The friends still have teen town replicas for sale at $20 each. A variety of pecans are still available at the library. That includes 16 ounce bags of Mamoth halves and halves/pieces for $12 The pecan halves are disappearing fast.


In other library news; a family game night will be held tonight (Thursday) from 5 until 7.

Emily Williams will host a children’s story hour at 4 Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 13.