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District 19 announces results of weekend patrols

Illinois State Police District 19 Commander Captain Kelly Hodge announced the results of two special patrols on Monday afternoon.

On Friday, Troopers conducted an OREP, or Occupant Restraint Enforcement Patrol in Wabash County.  22 citations and six warnings were issued, including 17 seat belt tickets and one child seat citation.

Saturday, an Alcohol Countermeasure Enforcement Patrol  in Wayne County resulted in no DUI or alcohol related arrests, but did result in a wanted on warrant arrest, one suspended license citation, seven total tickets, and 25 written warnings.

In November, District 19 Troopers will conduct OREP in Wayne, White, Saline, and Gallatin Counties, special traffic enforcement patrols in Wayne and White Counties, and a Nighttime Enforcement patrol in Saline County.


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