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Democratic Ladies Salad Luncheon Monday

Democratic Ladies Salad Luncheon

Looking for somewhere to have lunch Monday, besides your usual dining establishment; well the White County Democratic ladies have an alternative for you.

It’s time once again for the annual Salad luncheon, hosted by the local Democratic ladies, a tradition that dates back more than 20 years. This year, there are some changes however.

For starters, the luncheon will be held at a different location. In the past, the luncheon was generally held at the American Legion. This year, the luncheon has moved to the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post on Main Street. Serving will start at 11 Monday morning and continue until about 1.

There will be lots of food, for the most all donated by the ladies of the White County Democratic Party; However, everyone is invited regardless of politics, as a spokesperson for the Ladies said this is not about who you vote for; this about getting together and offering the community a chance to sit down, enjoy a good meal and visit with your “friends and neighbors.”