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December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

Illinois State Police Urge Motorists to Avoid the “3 Ds;” Drunk, Drugs, and Distractions.

CARMI, IL – December has again been declared National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. Along with driving under the influence of alcohol, impaired driving also includes drugged driving and distracted driving. Drugged/drunk driving and distracted driving are two of the fatal four violations that the Illinois State Police (ISP) continues to focus on.

The ISP will be doing our part in observing National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. From December 16 through January 1 the ISP will be participating in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign. This campaign seeks to raise awareness of the dangers associated with drunk and drugged driving. Through awareness and enforcement, the ISP will work to remove drunk/drugged drivers from Illinois roadways.

Additionally, the ISP will also continue to focus on individuals who drive distracted. Often times distracted drivers are reported as drunk/drugged drivers to the police. They exhibit the same driving behaviors associated with people who are driving while intoxicated. So far this year the ISP has issued almost 11,000 distracted driving citations and 10,460 written warnings.

“This is a joyful time of the year; however, when drivers make bad choices behind the wheel, such as driving impaired or distracted, this can have a negative impact on families this holiday season,” said District 19 Commander Kelly Hodge. “Please help us keep the roadways safe this time of year for all families by making responsible decisions while driving to and from your holiday destinations,” added Commander Hodge.

The Illinois State Police is encouraging the public to remain committed to preventing instances of drunk, drugged, and distracted driving by promoting responsible driving behavior. Designate a driver; call a taxi, friend, or family member for a ride; and avoid distractions while behind the wheel. If we all commit to preventing impaired driving, we can reduce the likelihood of losing a loved one due to a fatal traffic crash.

As always, remember to watch your speed, buckle up, don’t drink and drive, limit distractions, and move over and slow down when you see emergency vehicles on the side of the road.


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