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CWC Drama Department Presents Oklahoma

CWC Drama Department Presenting Oklahoma

The Carmi White County High School Drama Department will be presenting the musical Oklahoma this weekend, with performances set for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Drama Department head, Sherry Passmore, along with student directors and cast members: Kelsey Kessler, Cooper Craig and Jonathan Cribbs were guest on Open Line Thursday, talking about the show, pointing out this is the 75th anniversary of the Oscar and Hammerstein production.



The play features a number of songs, as well as dances and takes place in 1906 Oklahoma. Again the showtimes are tonight (fri) and Saturday evening at 7:30 with a Sunday matinee at 2:30 . Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students and pre-school and under free. They will be available at the door at the high school.