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County reports 3 Deer vs Vehicle Accidents Over Weekend

Friday morning, Friday evening and Saturday evening, three separate deer accidents were reported to White County Sheriff’s authorities.

Norris City resident Chris Garlick told deputy Randy Graves about his accident which occurred Friday morning around a quarter to 7 while he was travelling east on 2550 North when the deer ran out in front of his 2011 Dodge Ram.  About 12 hours later, Dolores Holtzclaw told authorities she was travelling south on Highway 45 about a quarter mile south of County Road 550 North when she hit the whitetail deer.

It was Saturday evening around 5:30 when Adri Zieren hit a deer on County Road 1175 near the intersection of County Road 1100 North.  No injuries were reported to any human driver or passenger and only Ms. Holtzclaw’s Ford Fiesta had to be towed from the scene.  The other vehicles were driveable away from the scenes of their accidents.


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