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County Board Meets Tuesday

County Board Meets Tuesday


The White County Board will meet for the February meeting on Lincoln’s Birthday, Tuesday evening with a fairly full agenda to cover.

The meeting to begin at 7 p.m. will cover a wide variety of items including a final decision on consideration of paying the 2019 dues to the United Counties Council of Illinois.

The board will be asked to consider a letter continuing the use of Illinois South Tourism as the state certified tourism bureau for White County.

Medical healthcare for the jail will be brought back before the trustees as a decision on that matter was not finalized at the January meeting.

Approval of contract negotiations with the Sheriff’s Department, Treasurer’s Office, Circuit clerk’s office, state’s attorney’s office, county clerk’s office, supervisor of assessment and the highway department will be considered.

Donations to the county senior citizens centers will be covered, along with a formal resolution reappointing Brian Ray as county engineer.

Fuel bids and an award for a box culvert contract will be presented to the board, along with discussion of a dump truck at the highway department.

Gary Baxley and Virginia Connelly will discuss a collision with an ambulance and their desire for reimbursement for damages.

The county board normally meets the second Tuesday of each month in the upstairs courtroom of the White County courthouse. The meetings are open to the public.