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7:00pm - Midnight

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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Corn Day King and Queen Candidates

Corn Day King and Queen Candidates


Saturday afternoon on the Car Show stage, the Corn Day King and Queen will be crowned.

The candidates are from local 4-H clubs and often, the coronation marks the closing of many of their 4-H careers. While some continue, all will explain their time in 4-H has been “worth it.”

The retiring King and Queen are King Kaden Carter, an eight year member of the Centerville Ripsnorters. He is the son of Jason and Amber Carter. In addition to his 4-H activitie, Kaden is a member of the state bound Carmi White County Golf team. He is a member of student council and the Maroon Platoon. He holds an officer position with his local FFA chapter.


The retiring queen is Olivia Bohleber, a ten year member of the Mad hatters 4-H club. She is the daughter of Jeff and Paula Bohleber.

Olivia was crowned Miss Illinois Teen USA 2017, She was valedictorian of her 2018 graduating class, president of the Key Club, a previous Key Club Lt. Governor for Districct 33 and very active in a number of school activities.

The queen candidates are Isabelle Bryant of the Mad Hatters, Lacy Cawthron of the Enfield Blue Ribbon 4-H Club; Payton Dixon of the Mad Hatters; Caitlin South of the Enfield Blue Ribbon Club; and Samantha Stallings of the Mad hatters.

The King candidates are Gia Berehashvilla of the Mad hatters; Lane Buchanan of the Centerville Ripsnorters; Nate Garner of the Ripsnorters and Cody Nausley, also of the Ripsnorters.


WROY/WRUL will be visiting with the candidates on this Friday’s Open Line program in the 9 o’clock hour, where we will learn a bit more about the candidates and their 4-H careers.